Ta da! This book baby is reaching gestation.
I’m going to keep this short, so I can spend more time getting books written. I’m losing a lot of my usual time on crisis schooling my kiddos, which is a massive adventure in and of itself, but fortunately progress is continuing. The second book of CLANBLADES is moving along nicely, and the edits on CHILD OF WRATH are allllmost there. Fingers crossed nothing even crazier than a PANDEMIC happens, and this book should be ready soon.
Anything look a bit different? That’s right, the whole series got new typography! So this is kind of three cover reveals in one. What do you think? Here’s the trio:

As for the title, I always struggle with titles, but this one was a bit harder than usual, because I had two good ones I liked. CHILD OF WRATH is the winner, but CHILD OF CHAINS would have rocked too. This one just felt a little more relevant just by a hair.
As you might have guessed, young people do matter a lot in this book. I hope I surprise you with just exactly who and how, though.
You can’t pre-order it just yet, but you can get swag and merch with the art on it on Etsy and now also Redbubble.
I mostly do these for fun, so I can buy stuff for myself and make stuff for cool giveaways. But it is also a way to support my work between launches! Is there any art I should add? 🙂
So good to get a happy email in these strange times. Love the cover art. And I really enjoy your personal reveals. I keep notebooks, so I like the notebook idea. Will also make a good gift for kids who need notebooks for school (physical or virtual!).
I am a sucker for notebooks too. I think I blogged about that. That sounds like a winner!
Just finished Capital Games on amazon ebook. I was excited to read at the end, that the 3rd book was targetted for 2019… and then I was sad no book!
Very happy to see that the 3rd one is close to being available 🙂
Is this going to be available in hardback or paperback? Now, Amazon only has in Kindle.
Pat, thanks for reaching out! The print covers are with my designer at the moment. Hopefully the paperback should be available in about 7 days, maybe less! Just wanted to get this out as soon as we could, hope you understand. 🙂 Thanks!