by R. K. | Jun 13, 2020 | Behind the Scenes, Progress Updates
No, not Wrath of Khan. It’s the third volume in the Audacity Saga. The wait has been long, but I hope it was worth it. Get the book at any of the following! Amazon USAmazon UKAmazon AUSAmazon CAAmazon DEAmazon FR The paperback is with my graphic designers, so...
by R. K. | Apr 24, 2020 | Cover Reveal, Progress Updates
Ta da! This book baby is reaching gestation. I’m going to keep this short, so I can spend more time getting books written. I’m losing a lot of my usual time on crisis schooling my kiddos, which is a massive adventure in and of itself, but fortunately...
by R. K. | Mar 25, 2020 | Cover Reveal, Favorites, Progress Updates
Check out the glorious new cover art!๐๐๐ ๐คฉ๐คฉ๐คฉ This gorgeous illustration is by Julie Dillon. The new cover is ready… (You’ll see it next month.) The edits are happening… AUDACITY 3. Soon. (But not yet.)But can we all agree Christopher Reeve was the...
by R. K. | Feb 27, 2020 | Behind the Scenes, Progress Updates
AUDACITY 3 is making its way to my editor, and oh, my, how I love this book! And that means I’ve got some new words on AUDACITY 4, which will hopefully be the final book in the saga, as well as new Clanblades words being forged as we speak… Well, okay, an...
by R. K. | Nov 1, 2019 | Progress Updates
First off โ Happy Halloween!!! Second โ the short story grown into a novella DESERTER is now available! Get it on Amazon here. This one won’t be available in print (unless it matters to a bunch of people) because it’s fairly short! ~18,000 words and 99ยข....
by R. K. | Oct 7, 2019 | Inspiration, Progress Updates
I must be writing a ton of sci-fi this week, because I woke up one morning from a fully-faithful Tolkein-esque dream, complete with Gandalf as star. Guess my subconscious was ready for a bit of fantasy. But too bad, because it’s space stations and ornery aliens...
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