My kingdom for a stationery store

My kingdom for a stationery store

This time of year, I have to admit, is both my favorite and least favorite. I hate the heat of summer, and where I live, this is the peak of it. Heat and humidity and blahhh. BUT! It’s also back-to-school time. And yes, that was something I put in the “favorites”...
Things Abloom: Cover Reveal!

Things Abloom: Cover Reveal!

A bunch of new things are springing up! I guess it’s all the rain we’ve been getting. ^_^ First and foremost, I’ve got my new fantasy coming out in just ONE MORE MONTH! Yes, the release date for DAGGER OF BONE is set: July 23! Aren’t you...
Showers, Flowers, and Snow

Showers, Flowers, and Snow

My first book in the new Clanblades series Dagger of Bone is done! Confetti showers yaaaaa! My beta readers have the rough draft, so it’s begun its journey toward your Kindle. But I don’t know an exact date it will be in your paws just yet. This was a...

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