Since it’s technically not autumn in the Northern Hemisphere yet, and the leaves haven’t started to change here, you will be spared the autumnal celebrating gifs, memes, and long paragraphs of enthusing.
This time.
But be warned.
Fall is coming.
How about a progress update?
Audacity Saga Book 4: SONGBIRD RISING
Guys! Guysssssssssssss! Guys.
SONGBIRD RISING is available for pre-order. > Get it here on Amazon!
How it started…
How it’s going…
Clanblades Book 2
How it started…
How it’s going…
⏰⏰⏰💨 Next month look for a snippet or deleted scene from Clanblades!
Most of my editing work is going to Audacity right now, and most of my new words are going to Clanblades, but I’m taking a little time each week to practice what is a new form for me in the serial! I think it’s a nice for sharpening the ol’ writing pen.
The Beholden Serial
New episodes of my Kindle Vella pirate story are uploading each Thursday. 🙂 Episodes 6 and 7 are now available. Eight may also be available too by the time this comes out, we shall see!
I am re-reading David Webers Honor Harington Series