Some Spooky Reads & Candy To Go With Them

Hope everyone is having a wonderful October! We were delighted today to hear of the FDA vaccine approval for kids 5-11, so we will definitely be downing some chocolate and peanut butter confections in celebration tonight. 🙂 I promised a snippet from Clanblades…...
September Stirrings

September Stirrings

Since it’s technically not autumn in the Northern Hemisphere yet, and the leaves haven’t started to change here, you will be spared the autumnal celebrating gifs, memes, and long paragraphs of enthusing. This time. But be warned. Fall is coming. How about...
Things Abloom: Cover Reveal!

Things Abloom: Cover Reveal!

A bunch of new things are springing up! I guess it’s all the rain we’ve been getting. ^_^ First and foremost, I’ve got my new fantasy coming out in just ONE MORE MONTH! Yes, the release date for DAGGER OF BONE is set: July 23! Aren’t you...
Character Interview with Aven

Character Interview with Aven

To celebrate the completion of the Enslaved Chronicles, I decided I needed to get around to this long overdue character interview with Aven! I’ll post Miara’s later this month, so comment if you have questions for her! This takes place between Mage Strike...

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